GhPageEntertainmentDr Osei Kwame Despite shows serious dance moves as his friends sing...

Dr Osei Kwame Despite shows serious dance moves as his friends sing hot jama for him on his birthday (Video)

Revered Ghanaian business mogul, Dr. Osei Kwame Despite showed some serious dance movies after members of East Legon Executive Fitness Club welcomed him at the Kotoka International Airport to take a flight to Kumasi to celebrate his 60th birthday.

The philanthropist and astute businessman was very delighted after seeing his clubmen at the airport waiting for him to jet off to his hometown (Wiamoase) in the Ashanti Region to mark his 60th birthday.

Dr. Osei Kwame Despite who normally shields himself from the public domain moved in excitement and exhibited some “wicked” dance moves when his friends sang their hearts out for him.

Both the celebrant and his clubmen were all dressed in white – Meaning today is a very special epoch for them.

Watch the video below to know more…

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