A Ghanaian named Kwaku has been arrested by the police over a social media post he made on the economy.
The political activity in a Twitter post on November 6, 2022, wrote:
“Investment firms are struggling, you know who’s next? I believe commercial banks. It will be difficult for them to pay depositors. Moody’s has downgraded major banks in Ghana because of their risk levels.”
Reports suggest that he was picked up today for that particular tweet. Other reasons for his arrest are unknown.
Meanwhile, some NDC bigwigs like Sam Goerge have taken to Twitter to call for his immediate release.
“This government is afraid of its tail. How do you arrest a citizen for stating the obvious? Have our banks not been downgraded? Are our Ministers not partying in Qatar? What senseless tyranny is this? Bow your heads in shame. Cowards hiding behind state power!“