is there to serve all purposes.To bring you the latest breaking news—The good and the bad.And this is one good news that was sent to us by one of our ardent readers that brought tears of joy in our eyes.
It a story that, to be honest, I didn’t believe when the pictures were sent to us and I had to call them to send in a video rather.
It was really amazing to see two young Ghanaians doing this.It may sound unbelievable but someway, somehow, Ghana could also now boast of having persons we can call our own innovators.—although we have the Apostle Kwadwo Sarfo’s welcome the two young innovators from Koforidua.
Frederick,23 and James,20 are brothers and they are both from Swedru but reside in Koforidua with their parents.The two young brothers are the manufacturers of a car that can carry three passengers around.
The brothers in a phone in interview with disclosed that they had the talent of innovation from infancy.They indicated that they had the idea about the car after completing Junior High School and using their very little resource to start.
According to them, they spent one year building the three-seater car which is made of aluminium plates and scrap metals with a motorcycle engine.When asked how far their car could travel, they answered that it can travel several miles and have even travelled with it from Koforidua to Medina( a suburb of Accra).
One thing they said that brought tears of sadness to our eyes is their several attempts to reach those in authority to seek for help to expand their talent have proved futile—A lot by a mere sight of them could not believe Ghanaians can do such a thing and will thus not waste their time to even go and see it.
Play your part to cause a change by just sharing this article to reach the necessary quarters.You don’t know who might see it..Sharing doesn’t cost a thing.
Scroll down and flip to the next page to see more Pictures and videos of the car