I Will Choose Going To School Over A Million Dollars- Lady Reveals

If you were to choose between a million dollars and going to school, which one would you prefer? This was the same question a young lady was being asked.

There is a saying in Twi that “Nipa te ahodwo aa )mp3 gyes3 amakom” which literally means that people call for trouble for themselves.

Unlike the majority of Ghanaians, the young lady, who is a student claims she would, without thinking twice choose to go to school over a million dollars.

In the beginning, she stated that she would take the money, and use it to pay her school fees.

However, when she was made to choose one of the two, she said she would choose to go to school over a million dollars.

She explained that she believes going to school would enable her to have a beautiful future as after school, she would be able to get a decent job that could fetch her money.

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Thursday, January 23, 2025
27.2 C

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