
Modern-day Samson: Man goes viral for defeating a lion in a vicious attack on him and his wife

A young Kenyan couple have gone viral after narrowly escaping a vicious lion attack while on their way to fetch firewood in Elsa Ntirim village of Kenya’s Isiolo County.

As reported, Michael Apayu and his wife, Susan Chebet, found themselves in a life-threatening situation as they met a lion while fetching firewood.

The ferocious animal first targeted Chebet, viciously mauling her before turning its attention to Apayu.

Recalling the harrowing experience, Apayu described how the lion attacked them, inflicting serious injuries.

“The lion first chased my wife who was behind me, she later ran ahead of me then the lion proceeded to attack me. It bit my hands, legs, back, and shoulders,” he recounted.

In a desperate bid to defend themselves, Chebet bravely fought back, striking the lion’s head with a hard stick.

Despite sustaining injuries, Chebet’s courageous actions momentarily subdued the agitated animal.

However, the couple’s ordeal was far from over as the lion continued its assault, sinking its teeth into Chebet’s legs.

With remarkable resilience, Apayu retaliated, targeting the lion’s front limb and eyes with his weapon.

The strategic blows caused the lion to falter, allowing the couple to escape from its grasp. “After the lion fell, we managed to flee,” Chebet recounted.

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Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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