SEE ALSO:Shocking: Group of Ghanaians Is Pushing Canada to force Ghana Legalize Homo$3xualism
Martha Ankomah [Bono]
Martha Ankomah is a very famous Ghanaian actress, who has featured in several movies and has gained awards for playing explicit roles. She is Bono from Brong-Ahafo Region.
Lydia Forson [Fante]
Sensational Ghanaian actress Lydia Forson is counted among the most beautiful actresses in Ghana. The “Hotel St. James”, “Run Baby Run” and “Different Shades of Blue” is also a gender advocate and is mostly applauded and hated at the time for her tough stance on gender and political issues. Lydia is a
Christabel Ekeh [Ewe]
Christabel Eke, the Ghanaian actress who recently went stark nakked on Instagram is one of the popular actresses in Ghana presently. Christabel is an Ewe from the Volta Region of Ghana.