The Arsenal midfielder, Thomas Partey, might just have his elegant football career truncated following new rape allegations levelled against him.
Not too long ago, there were pockets of rumours about Thomas Partey’s alleged sexual malpractice.
Although the identity of the player was not known after the UK police had reportedly arrested the culprit, they may have feared it was Thomas Partey.
According to new allegations made by some UK women on social media, Thomas Partey raped and forced sex with them.
According to @deffonotchaur, Thomas Partey is a rapist who had sex with her on several occasions.
She had called out Thomas Partey and asked for him to be immediately arrested and jailed.
She wrote the following:
Thomas Partey is a serial rapist who has got lucky because the date he decided to rape me whilst we were on holiday together was 10 days before UK law changed allowing UK police forces jurisdiction over crimes committed outside the UK.
Thomas partey is an ADMITTED rapist No woman can accuse you of raping her and your response is this???? He raped me, left me in bed unconscious then went out to party in Ibiza, came back, laughed in my face and told me I don’t get to say no to him. Not once said I was lying.
This means that the 2nd incident of rape that he commit against me outside the UK is now not eligible for charges. Not because he’s innocent, not because there isn’t enough evidence… but because I was raped 10 Days before the legislation that would’ve put him in prison changed.
I don’t care about my identity being revealed anymore. Someone leaked a screenshot from my private story last year and off the back of that I’ve had the most vile, evil messages from people calling me a liar… we’ll see who’s a liar once I post screenshots of him admitting it.
She went on to share screenshots of her supposed conversation with Thomas Partey who allegedly admitted to the crime.
She also intimated that Thomas Partey had several rape victims and should be dealt with according to the law.
I simply can not die knowing that I didn’t speak out about what that man did to me and many other girls. I was never the first and I wasn’t the last. Hate me, call me a liar. Make jokes under my post. I was traumatically raped and can’t bear living anymore.
I did everything I could to get myself justice the legal way. The system is not designed to help victims Why would I ever come out publicly and lie knowing that i’m going to be sued??? Why would I speak online knowing the hate I would get? What am I gaining for this ?
slander me all you want, I wanted to speak my truth before I mentally can’t handle being here anymore When I end my life because I can’t deal with the night terrors, daily panic attacks and flashback & the constant reminder that he’s seen as innocent. I know I did what I could.
I fought as hard as I could. I did everything right. I went to the police. I reported it to the embassy. I gave my phone up for evidence even though I didn’t have to all for a legal technicality to ruin it all I was brave. Which means the other girl who can forward has a chance.
I could’ve lived my life 6 figures richer but I couldn’t live with the guilt of knowing that he might get away with this and people wouldn’t know the type of monster he is. I can’t live my life knowing I didn’t do what I could to speak out. I was brave. I can’t do this now.
She went on to share a video of her supposed chat with Thomas Partey over the rape allegations…