The stories of how most ladies meet their soul mates and later walk down the aisle with them are sometimes interesting to hear and know.
One lady has shared her similar interesting story of how she married a groomsman from a wedding she attended years ago.
According to this pretty damsel, she went for a wedding as a guest. At the wedding she danced her heart out and that caught the attention of one of the groomsman.
So apparently, the groomsman noticed the lady from afar but she, then didn’t pay attention to him when he was alerted by her friend that the guy was eyeing her.
Fast forwrad, the groomsman took her number from a friend whom she knew and later that night he texted her and told her he wanted them to meet for the first time.
Long and short of the story is they met and after getting to know each other and understanding they were compactible, they agreed to marry. End of story.