Ghanaian socialite Andrea Owusu, popularly known as Efia Odo, has shared her experience of dating average-looking but rich men.
She made the remarks on Lifestyle TV when she appeared on Ebitz Show, revealing that ‘ugly’ men take good care of women and therefore cannot date an ugly man with empty pockets.
“Ugly men take good care of women, and of course, I have met and dated ugly guys before, and they had money because you cannot be ugly with no money,” she was quoted as saying in a report by
She then went on to list some qualities she looks out for in a man she would consider dating or find attractive.
“I feel like if you want to date me, first you need to meet me at a public place like a restaurant or a lounge, I hate being hooked up by someone,” she said.
“You also need to get my attention by having nice teeth. If your teeth is not nice, I can’t talk to you. I can’t date short guys because I’m always on 6 inches, and you need to have lots of money,” she added.