A beautiful Nigerian lady has openly declared her unflinching love for a mentally unstable guy she saw at the market.
As confessed by the gorgeous lady who can be identified on the social media platform with the handle name @preciouspeter90, she immediately fell in love with the mentally unstable guy at first sight.
The lady who claims to have fallen in love gushed over the mentally unstable guy’s handsomeness and showered him with praises while claiming that she doesn’t mind going out with him.
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Alot of social media users have accused her of chasing clout with the innocent guy’s sickness but some have also reckoned her for showing the guy love despite his condition.
Because of the love of social media attention, even the goodwill of most people is disposed of like a piece of trash
Many clout chasers will go to the length and breadth of the world for content just to gather massive likes on social media and feel comfortable for themselves.
Maybe Precious might have truly fallen in love with the mentally unstable guy but because of some of the actions of attention seekers on the internet, her intentions of catering for the guys are being ridiculed by sceptics.
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