In a shocking turn of events, the studio used for Nana Ama Mcbrown’s new show on Onua TV has been destroyed by fire.
The incident occurred in Accra yesterday inside the premises of Media General, causing widespread panic among the staff and residents in the area.
Thankfully, firemen from the Headquarters Substation responded to the scene swiftly, containing the fire and preventing it from spreading to the surrounding buildings.
Although parts of the reception area were burnt down, the firefighters were able to salvage the main studio area and the backstage.
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While most fans are expecting a post from Mcbrown about the incident, the talented actress has shared a video of Kelvyn Boy’s #verochallenge featuring Article Wan
The post was shared just an hour after the report about the fire incident happened.
Netizens who have come across the post are asking whether all is well with the star actress because they were expecting an official statement from her about the unfortunate issue and not an ongoing song challenge.
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