Video Revealed: Bishop Obinim Used Panties, Boxers And Brassieres To Perform Rituals In Church

Bishop Daniel Obinim made headlines a few days ago by asking the members of the Tema Branch of his church to bring some items for prophetic direction and it seems the prophetic items have come off use now.

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The Bishop during a church service said God has told him to ask his members to bring their panties, brassieres and boxer shorts to the altar.

Several explanations were later assigned to the said prophetic statement issued by the ‘Man of God’ as a certain evangelist claimed that he is not going to use it for any direction but for his occultic sacrifices.

Now, the latest video that has been circulating on social media platforms revealed the controversial founder of the International Godway’s Church, Bishop Daniel Obinim burning used panties, boxer shorts and brassieres of his church members.

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This video came along with an advertisement that sees the Man of God asking again his members who wish to meet him at his Tema Community Nine Branch to come along with the stated items as it was a directive from God.

“God said Tuesday if you are coming to the Tema Church bring your brazier or panties if you are a woman. Tie them in a polythene bag because we are going to burn them… must be used ones that is the vision of God. If you are a man bring one used singlet and boxer shorts. If you want to do it for your ward or spouse do same. God has directed me to that this in Tema only. He revealed to me that when you do that…. if I burn them it will erase your poverty, bachelors and spinsters will marry and those with all sorts of burdens will be free. All those who have challenges will have them resolved. As I speak with you God is still watching me…..see, see, see the way he is watching me with the corner of his eyes”, said bishop obinim.

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The Man of God Again advised his congregation around the whole country to abandon all their chores on that particular day and bring those things in return for God’s blessings.

Watch The Prophetic Video That Comes Along With The Rituals Below…….

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