Since the President of Ghana made a comment when he was interviewed on Aljazeera that sought to suggest homos*xuality may likely be legalized in Ghana sometime in the future, it appears to have sparked more outrage towards people who have a s*xual affair with the same s*x.
A video is fast trending online where a guy is being assaulted by a mob. From what gathered from the commentaries, it appears the guy was ‘caught’ in the act sleeping with another man.
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As to how the mob managed to know something of that nature is going on behind the closed door is not clear but they barged in on them and started beating them while others film the ordeal.
One of the beaters could be heard telling the alleged gayy to learn how to sleep with a woman while he gives him some heavy slaps.
The location where this video was taken is not yet known but is following the story and will update you on any development.
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